Name of the activity: Agricultural-environmental-climate payments (measure 10)

Objectives: To reduce the impact of farming on the environment
Expected results: Conservation of biodiversity and landscapes, adequate water management and soil management, and mitigation and adaptation of agriculture to climate change.

Summary: The agricultural-environmental-climate payment measure (the KOPOP measure) supports agriculture in its environmental function and is intended to promote super-standard sonar agricultural practices aimed at biodiversity and landscape conservation, appropriate water management and soil management, and mitigation and adaptation agriculture to climate change. Payments encourage the implementation of agricultural practices that go beyond mandatory standards, i.e. conventional agricultural practice. These are not income payments, but payments to cover additional costs and loss of income due to the implementation of the above-standard requirements of the KOPOP measure. With these payments, the farmer is "rewarded" as a guardian of the environment, whose activities, in addition to growing food, conserve nature, protect water and soil, maintain the landscape, and also ensure the provision of socially important services and non-commercial public goods.

Main activities: vod_zel; gen_sor; water_sub

Name of the activity: Organic farming (measure 11)

Objectives: To encourage agricultural holdings to implement organic farming methods
Expected results: Contribution to the provision of public goods, especially to the preservation or improvement of biodiversity, preservation of drinking water sources, soil fertility, cultural agricultural landscape, environmental protection in general.

Summary: the beneficiary indicates in which submeasure it is included (submeasure 11.1 - Payments for conversion to organic farming practices and methods or submeasure 11.2 - Payments for maintaining organic farming practices and methods)
Main activities: the beneficiary states all the requirements for the implementation of the individual sub-measure in which it is included, as stated in the PRP 2014-2020, which was valid during the period of entry into the sub-measure.

Name of activity: Payments to areas with natural or other special restrictions (measure 13)

Objectives: To maintain the cultivation of agricultural land, to preserve the settlements of rural areas and to provide public benefits in areas with natural or other special limitations (OMD).
Expected results: OMD payments will contribute to the preservation and promotion of sonar farming systems, the preservation of the cultural landscape of rural areas and the sustainable use of agricultural land.

Summary: Slovenia has a large share of agricultural land in areas with natural or other special limitations, which reduces the competitiveness of Slovenian agriculture, limits the selection of possible production directions and increases production costs. This leads to the abandonment of agriculture in these areas, overgrowth of agricultural land, loss of biodiversity and agricultural landscapes.
Main activities: By maintaining agricultural land in a production function, we preserve not only the production potential of agricultural land, but also the available natural resource, which is a living and economic space for local people as well as a place for recreation and spending free time for people outside these areas.